February 28, 2017
Product customisation is a wonderful tool. Of course we’d say that, but when you have a multi-faceted demographic and a busy, varied schedule it really does pay to tailor your merchandise accordingly.
With the BAFTAs hot on everyone’s lips last week, we are taking this as a perfect opportunity to roll out the red carpet and highlight their work with us over the years, as an example of how to choose products that reflect your company and suit your audience, getting the most out of your company branded notebooks.
First up in the spotlight is a classic; a timeless black Baladek hardback notebook, donning a stylish gold foil print of the distinctive mask icon. This product oozes elegance, suitably matching its intended environment and context. With its sleek glossy finish, tradition and heritage are intact and reflected well, making these books a fitting gift for members of the crew working on the televised awards ceremony.
Next, we see a stark contrast with a less formal, soft cover option; the Moleskine Cahier notebook with a subtle deboss customisation. The branding is simple and informative, and the book practical for its purpose; providing a place for people aspiring to a career in the industry to jot down their ideas and notes garnered from the motivational tips and advice website, BAFTA Guru. Something any budding film director could carry around with them day-to-day – whoever made the call on the design here deserves a round of applause.
Lastly, we get a taste for something different altogether. Appealing to the young, 10-18 year old gaming section of their target audience, BAFTA opted for a vibrant, modern style with digitally printed bespoke wire-bound notebooks to promote their annual Young Game Designers competition. The eye-catching, intricate design exposes BAFTA’s contemporary edge making them relatable to another very different audience.
We’re not normally the kind of people to do speeches, but seeing as we’re all in the spirit…we just want to say thank you to BAFTA for providing us with an inspirational parade of diverse customisation options. Thank you for showing us how one brand can successfully target a range of markets. And thank you for taking advantage of our expertise and opting for the best product customisation for each of your audiences – we couldn’t have written this blog post without you.
Have you thought about how you want your brand to be portrayed? What do you want your customised notebooks to say about your company?