October 3, 2016
On Saturday 1st October six of the Noted in Style team hauled themselves from their beds at an inhospitable hour to make their way to Betteshanger Country Park to take part in the Kent Messenger Charity Assault Course.
The nineteen obstacle course certainly woke us all up. Hitting the ground face first into a massive muddy puddle and grazing your hands and knees as you crawl through a tunnel has a certain way of rousing the senses. Some of the obstacles were pretty tough and team work was required to get us all across – there was plenty of ‘I’m so sorry’ as some of us trod on the backs of others whilst they acted as a bridge to speed the crossing of a totem pole challenge!
Want to see the proof we did it? Check out the action video giving you a ‘Ben’s eye view’ of the course – you never know, it might tempt you to try it yourself next year?
In case you haven’t noticed from the video, we wore fancy dress (they’re not our usual clothes). A merry band of Wally’s we were.
So why did we do it? We took part in support of Porchlight, one of Kent’s leading charities that assists the vulnerable with housing, social, economic and health issues when they have no-where else to turn. Whilst we experienced a brief (about 9 mins) period of discomfort and struggle at the weekend, we did at least have each other to rely on. Spare a thought for those who face life’s everyday challenges without friends or family to help them.
The Noted in Style team’s efforts raised more than £500 for charity (there’s still time to donate! Just click here)….and we were left with only have one shoulder injury, one set of achy ribs and one set of burning thighs in the days afterwards. Success? We think so!