July 11, 2016
On Friday July 8th 2016 the Noted in Style team took the afternoon off for our AGM. Ok, it’s not technically an AGM, more of a full team meeting come shindig. However, the purpose of the afternoon was AGM-like in that it was an opportunity for everyone in the business to listen to a review of last year’s performance and achievements and to look to at what is in store for the coming years.
Naturally we all needed to limber up in preparation for the meeting, so we started the afternoon with a kayak down the Hythe Royal Military canal in the Kentish sunshine; this lead to one of us unintentionally getting wet. We also discovered who was man enough to get intentionally wet and slide down the steep bank in their kayaks into the water! New addition to the team, Alex, gets the crown for the bravest on this front – see her in action…
Thanks to Seapoint Canoe Centre for a fun few hours on the water.
Following the (wet) team building activity, we headed off to the Hythe Imperial Hotel for tea and biscuits to recover. Once suitably refreshed, we started our meeting by reviewing the various facts and figures and highlighting the top achievements made during our 4th year of trading. Noted in Style had a great year. One of the many highlights was supplying debossed Moleskine notebooks, custom printed bellybands and bespoke gift packaging for the ‘Yours, Cambridge’ campaign by johnson banks for the University of Cambridge. The campaign was shortlisted for the Brand Campaign category at the Design Week Awards. It’s always nice to see your products going on to do great things!!
Sometimes meetings are held just for meetings sake, but this one did have a purpose and was really worth it. It’s great for the whole Team to take some time to reflect on our progress over the last year, so that everyone can feel a part of the success and enjoy it. It’s also important that everyone knows where the business is aiming to go, so we can all work together to the same purpose.
Our grand plans for the coming year include launching our new website (keep your eyes peeled in the next few months!), introducing more items to our packaging range and also more non-notebook products. As for future years….ah, you’ll have to wait and see!
After the hard concentration during the meeting it was time to let off steam again, this time with a game of Rapidough (if you haven’t yet tried this game you need to). Needless to say the girls won – but of course, it is not about winning 😉 Once our competitive sides had been tamed, we headed for a delicious dinner to relax and socialise with a glass or two to celebrate.
The Noted in Style team are excited to see what the next 12 months bring and we hope you are too – watch this space.