An office and desk is so yesterday….

Any environment can be a creative environment.There are no rules to when and where ideas and motivation flourish as is shown by LinkedIn’s great new feature, “Where I Work”, on high achievers and their idiosyncratic work stations

From a hammock on the beach (we wish!) or a treadmill desk – to just a few familiar bits and pieces in an office cubicle, make wherever you are work best for you. Here at Noted In Style we have Ted the office Shepherd to act as in-house pet therapy, he reduces our stress levels and entertains us while we work!

Ted - head of security

So, if you stay in the office for most of the day like us – make it your own, and if you have the chance to break out- take it! This is where notebooks come in handy; small, portable and with no need for battery or mains power, they’re perfect for capturing spontaneous thoughts and ideas where-ever you are. So if you are feeling the post-new year loss of mojo and work in an office at a desk, why not head out for a change of scenery somewhere that might inspire you?  – and don’t forget to take you notebook with you to capture those gems that just may pop into your head in a fresh environment.

Contact us today discuss creating customised notebooks for you and your staff or colleagues to have on your travels.