January 15, 2013
So, how many resolutions have you made this January? And how many have you already forgotten about? By now the ink has faded from the backs of our hand and that post-it has long since unstuck itself and curled away somewhere. If you want to get anything done, get a notebook.
The art of journalling dates back to at least 10th century japan and is a tradition that has travelled the ages; from Samuel Pepys to Oscar Wilde to modern day bloggers, keeping diaries is as popular as ever. Wilde himself was quoted as saying “I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the train”. A notebook has been the best friend of many a great mind over the years and so too can it be yours.
Start the new year on a ‘clean sheet’, quite literally, and use a notebook to jot down your resolutions. Many people find written ‘rules’ psychologically more effective and harder to break than mental notes, it won’t be long before you realise the benefits of writing things down.
The first perk of having a notebook is its combatting of a problem that beleaguers us all to some degree, memory loss. There’s little more annoying than not being able to remember something but, alas, it happens to us all- we age and our brains choose to stop co-operating. As fast as your idea can pop up…it can disappear, and despite most people’s surety that they can recall events pretty accurately, a lot of the time this is not the case. Studies by psychologists such as Loftus and Palmer have shown that memories can be easily distorted by various factors that we ourselves wouldn’t even notice. This is why it’s so helpful to take down important thoughts that come your way.
Another plus; a notebook is a great way of evaluating your life or work in hindsight. As a personal log that reaches back in time, it allows you to spot negative and positive patterns, trends and growth in your lifestyle, thinking and actions. Putting reminders in a notebook you use regularly, perhaps a pocket one, will reaffirm your goals and remind you of things to do- using important ‘sign post’ entries helps to keep you on track day to day and prevent distractions from low priority tasks. Relieving the pressure on your brain will reduce your stress levels! clear your mind and leave you better equipped for solving problems.
For whatever use, be it a personal necessity or as a giveaway to clients to keep your ongoing relationship in their minds, a notebook is a classic buy for the current new year.
Contact us today to order your customised notebooks.