Moleskine Notebooks go around the world in 800 days…

If you believe all the marketing hype, Moleskine would have you believe that the tradition and history of the Moleskine notebook as a trusted and handy travel companion continues today and it is a modern, nomadic object that follows us everywhere we go and identify us wherever we are in the world. Now, whilst for a lot of us our Moleksine notebook only ever makes it as far as the office and the coffee shop, it is true that some notebooks do live up to the hype…

…Congratulations to the Moleskine notebooks and Moleskine Sketch books belonging to Emma Smart and Andy Smith. These books are setting off on a round the world adventure, circumnavigating the globe by car in 800 days. They set off from Weymouth on 12th June, head out of Dover on a boat and then…

Around the world in 800 days with Moleskine

For all of you health and safety freaks out there, the notebooks will not be driving – as they don’t have a licence, but the human companions do! You can read more about the expedition at

How far has your notebook gone? Has it gone anywhere particularly unusual? Tweet us the details @notedinstyle – or even better, email us a picture of you with your Moleskine or LEUCHTTURM1917 notebook in a crazy or interesting place. Let’s see if we can get a global gallery going. Our favourite will get a free notebook.